Designated Loser
Election after of Election I have noticed a phenomenon I like to call "The Designated Loser." While actively volunteering, managing or running for political office I have witnessed the same sort of RINO sponsored candidates be propped up as "The Golden Boy/Girl." They speak well, look great and get all the financial resources a greedy incompetent campaign consultant could ask for, only to lose their Elections.
The vast majority of these "Designated Losers" have little prior knowledge or experience running for office, but have been cajoled into the part by conniving campaign consultants with losing records of achievements. These pliable candidates entreat the wealthy Republican donors to support their campaigns, the RINOs leading the Republican Party both on the state & Federal level focus exclusively on raising money to enrich their power base and extract money away from legitimate candidates. These shinning stars are paraded around their district with ample support from wet-behind-the-ears fresh out of "How to Run a RINO Campaign" school in some far off state that bears no resemblance to the state & district they are now tasked to manage.
These bright eyed young "RINOs-in-training" campaign consultants know how to organize campaign events, phone banks & door-to-door efforts all to boost voter registration and garner support for their "Designated Loser." But the real reason is to provide the candidate with talking points to raise more money by justifying their need for more contributions, saying for example that their campaign has walked 10,000 doors. It is all about the "mother's milk of politics" the money and the candidate is simply the shiny product or tool needed to extract that money from an ever more anxious and desperate constituency, who's abusive government works tirelessly to destroy their ability to prosper through overburdensome taxation and regulations.
Money & Blackmail
After working in the Portland, Oregon market selling TV time during the 2010 Election and speaking with a radio executive following the 2012 Election, I can confidently report that your donations are not being spent to purchase radio & TV advertisements. Rather Election fundraising appears to be a vehicle for creating a slush fund to enrich the power brokers who select only candidates whom they can control through blackmail.
The first order of business when selecting a candidate is to find their weaknesses. If a background check comes up empty of potentially scandalous misdeeds then that candidate is not deemed a viable candidate by the power brokers. The fraudulent 1903 anti-Semitic "Protocols of the Elders Zion" plagiarized from Joly's "Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu" appears to be a document designed to besmirch the Jewish people while outlining a Satanic guide to world domination most of which mirrors the writings of Karl Marx. This Communist instruction manuel states:
"politicians who, in case of disobedience to our instructions, must face criminal charges or disappear. We shall arrange elections in favour of candidates with some dark, undiscovered stain in their past. They will be our trustworthy agents out of fear of revelations."
The simplest way to ensure undying loyalty to the puppet masters responsible for delivering power to these politicians, is to recruit well spoken docile, closeted gay candidates who are living as heterosexuals. These power addicted individuals live in utter fear that their well concealed, secret lifestyle will be exposed depriving them of their power. Therefore these tainted politicians will say or do anything they are told to do in order to avoid exposure and to retain their power and position.
Is Obama Gay?
If as these articles indicate, our President is truly living a lie, then he and all other politicians like him need to come out of the closet to prevent the possibility of coercion by those with evil intention against the United States. By depriving the power brokers of the leverage that they require to blackmail their candidates, these politicians would be free to vote in the best interest of the country rather than being forced to promote their handlers' tyrannical agenda.
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