Sunday, July 17, 2016

Replace Bank Owned Yoder with Goode for Congress

Dear fellow Republican,

Corruption MATTERS!!!!! Unfortunately our Congressman, yours and mine, our Congressman, Kevin Yoder, has been corrupted by massive amounts of money he takes from big Wall Street banks, which has earned him the dubious title (despite his oath to represent us) of the most bought and sold in Washington D.C.!!!!
I do not say this lightly, I have done months of extensive research checking and rechecking the facts and it is true. From Hillary Clinton, to Paul Ryan and our Congressman Kevin Yoder, they are ALL bought and paid for by big Wall Street banks.

Please read this next paragraph carefully:

"But what goes on in America makes British corruption look like a picnic. In the US, wealthy individuals and corporations literally buy the political outcomes they want. A recent analysis showed that in a new law designed to regulate the banks, 70 lines out of 85 were actually written by banking giant Citigroup. The measure was introduced by Congressman Kevin Yoder, who receives more money in campaign donations from the financial sector than any other member of Congress. The United States today is not in any meaningful sense of the word a democracy; it is a donocracy."

The article goes on to describe how Yoder lifted language for an amendment from an email sent by Citigroup lobbyists which guarantees that our hard earned tax dollars will pay for the next big bank bailout. “The measure was introduced by Congressman Kevin Yoder, who receives more money in campaign donations from the financial sector than any other member of Congress.”
Even The Kansas City Star slammed Yoder for carrying the Citigroup Amendment, here is the link:

I am Lt. Colonel Greg Goode, USA (Retired) and like you, I am sick and tired of the little guy, you and me, being thrown under the bus so the campaign coffers of a career politician, Congressman Kevin Yoder, can be filled to the brim and overflowing. This is the reason I am running for Congress.
Congressman Yoder has $2.4 million in the bank, not counting his Leadership PAC, YOPAC, his personal and very legal political slush fund. When he leaves office, which I will gladly expedite, Yoder may use this slush fund cash for personal expenses. That’s right, a beautiful golden parachute available to every member of Congress, House and Senate.
Why am I different, why can’t I be bought? Because I understand oaths!! I took an oath entering the U.S. Army as a Private, to which I am still bound and will be bound as a Soldier for life, to protect and defend this great and wonderful nation of OURS. 
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PO Box 23176, Overland Park, KS 66283

I am sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States of America, not the “special” interests of big Wall Street Banks. And, I will not take PAC money now or in the future, not one penny.
I have defended our nation on the front lines of battle in the Gulf War with the 5th Battalion, 16th Infantry Regiment, 1st Infantry Division (The Big Red One). For 28 years I met the nation’s call across the world; my last deployment was in Baghdad assigned as Logistics Officer working with the Iraq Minister of Interior to equip the over 170,000 member Iraqi police force. I have the real world experience needed to represent you and I will not represent or protect the chosen few who buy and sell our elected officials.
I have no money, but I have a lot of shoe leather and a little, but growing name recognition. I have passion, experience and the willingness to work hard to represent “We the People” of the Kansas 3rd Congressional District.
“We the People” don’t have the ability to print money as they can in Washington, “We the People” don’t have the insider’s access to the moneyed class; what we do have is the power of our vote. Our government belongs to us; it’s time to take it back!
Lt. Colonel Greg Goode, USA (Retired)

Please support Goode for Congress by donating at: 

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