Monday, March 10, 2014

This Year Replace Law Makers with Law Repealers


 Replace Law Makers with Law Repealers

The time has long since come to begin vetting our Representatives to ensure they are being sent to D.C. to become "law repealers" not "law makers." From our founding, Thomas Jefferson understood the importance of small government.

"My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government."

For the United States to return to the prosperous status it once enjoyed, we must begin replacing law makers with law repealers, like Oregon Congressional candidate & genius attorney, James Buchal. Despite being indoctrinated at a young age with liberal  big government dogma at both Harvard & Yale, Portland Attorney, James Buchal understands the importance of individual liberty, limited government, term limits and the rule of law. Unlike his potential predecessor, career politician, Congressman Earl Blumenauer, if hired to represent Portlanders in Congress, Mr. Buchal will be intent upon repealing, not enacting or replacing bad laws like ObamaCare. 

Elect Law Repealing Conservative Crew candidates to represent your interests in D.C.

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