Conservative Crew Endorsed President Trump & Vice-President Pence in 2016

Conservative Crew

Donald Trump 
President of the United States of America

Donald Trump has ingratiated himself with Americans over 7 seasons of his popular TV show "The Apprentice" which allowed American viewers to match wits with "The Donald" to determine whether or not they would make the same executive decisions, about the efforts of his apprentices as Donald Trump did. Apparently the vast majority of Americans liked the way Mr. Trump thinks, perhaps because that is the way most Americans also think. 

As a former campaign consultant, I believe the single most important consideration should be political allegiance. With virtually all politicians, that allegiance is sworn to their donors, not to the best interests of America. Once elected politicians grant access primarily to their donors, to do their bidding, in order to ensure the politician's re-election. This is not true, with both Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson, both men entered the race with the goal of saving our country after decades of corruption. All previous leaders to some extent have had a "What's in it for me?" approach to government. During President Trump's inaugural address, our new President called out his predecessors seated behind him on the platform for their willful mismanagement of our country's affairs; smothering us with unimaginably high debt, while restricting our Constitutionally guaranteed liberties all in the name of political correctness.   

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